Gaza Crises Atrocities

Blog tagged as Gaza Crises Atrocities

Engaging People of the Book Amidst Gaza Crisis


In the midst of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, the engagement between Muslims and the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) takes on a profound significance. This AIM presentation delves into Islamic theology, focusing on the Quranic guidance regarding the People of the Book. While acknowle...

12-11-2023 08:42 PM - Comment(s)
Divine Insights in Crisis: A Gaza Perspective


Presented by Authentic Ilm Mission (AIM), this paper embarks on an enlightening journey to address and alleviate the burgeoning queries and doubts that arise in times of profound adversity, particularly about the divine nature of Allah, the Exalted. As we navigate through the tumultuous...

12-09-2023 12:28 PM - Comment(s)

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12-09-2023 11:43 AM - Comment(s)